Oscar Gift bags: See my report on ABC15

ABC15 Sonoran Living: “Some of you may be wondering what exactly a swag bag is. Sarah Nean Bruce, from ItsAGlamThing.com, explains, “It is a term many celebrities use for the free stuff they receive in goodie bags and baskets at gifting suites associated with awards shows, and at premieres, special events and charity fundraisers. S.W.A.G. has become an acronym for Something We All Get.” Bruce says giving celebrity swag bags is a trend that has been going on since before the 1970’s. They started out very simple, as a way to say thank you for donating your time to presenters and nominees. In recent years, Oscar presenters and nominees swag bags have evolved into extravagant gifts that in total can cost upwards of $100,000.” READ MORE

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CROSSPOST_REPORTING on: «From Inception to Swagdom» Hollywood Award Event Gifts

EXCERPTS: Although hard to nail down an exact time the practice of giving celebratory gift baskets started, the inception probably goes back to the sumptuous amenities (chocolate, fresh fruit, cheese, cookies, wine, champagne), typically provided by hotel concierges, that were waiting in the rooms of celebrities and guests who attended early Hollywood award shows.
The official tradition started innocently, as a way for academy award organizers “to thank stars who donated their time as presenters.”
The value of the gift baskets given to Oscar nominees and presenters has approached $100,000 in the last few years.
A 2010 gift bag available to Academy Award nominees contained a whopping $85,000 worth of goodies.

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