My Nephew’s College Plans: Turn Down All Those University Scholarships (for now)

My nephew ~ Gabriel ~ called me today (Wednesday) to tell me he had a huge announcement:
He would NOT be attending any of the incredible colleges he was accepted to (& we toured here in Southern California) after high school graduation this June because…
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Woohoo, More Welcome Wisdom on Writing Well

“I say: be original, clichés belong to others. I seldom use clichés when I write and speak. On the rare occasion, I write clichés or profanity in a character’s dialogue because it reveals their mental acumen and allows me to humorously exorcise the cliché demons. My mother told me people who overuse the same words (e.g., “man”), clichés and profanity showed a lack of knowledge and intelligence.” ~sarah nean bruce
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Happily Hammered by (some of) Elmore Leonard’s 10 Hardboiled Rules of Writing

I have been writing and rewriting screenplays for so long now and I have not only had my characters kicking, screaming, asseverating and contemplating in the parenthetical line below the character name, but allowed them to “admonish gravely” in the action line. It was a way for me, the writer, to live vicariously as a director and indicate the tone of the scene to the reader, the actor, and even the director. But in a 50,000-80,000 word novel it can become daunting to be so creative and original. I realize now I spent countless extra hours on my novel breaking these two rules. … ~read/see more~

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